Prevent Password Expiration (XP Pro Only)
By default, Windows XP passwords will expire after 42 days. Fourteen days before the expiration date, you will
receive the message "Your password will expire in 14 days" when you log on. If you do not want your password to expire, Click Start, Run, then type control userpasswords2
Click the Advanced tab, then the Advanced button
Left pane: Click Users
Right pane: Right-click the username, then select Properties
Check Password never expires on the General tab
Set a minimum password length (98)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Network] Create the dword value MinPwdLen. Set it to the minimum length you want.
Access Windows 2000 from Windows 98 without a password
On the Windows 200 machine, right-click My Computer, then click Manage System Tools>Local Users and
In the right pane, double-click the Guest account, uncheck Account is disabled Make sure the password is set blank
The hard disk must have a share name other than C$
Automatic logon without name or password (9x)
This setting allows Windows clients to logon without entering a user name or password, therefore bypassing the logo box. Create the string value Default Password, under Winlogon (see key below). Modify the Default Password's data to match the default users password. The default username is stored at:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Network\Logon]-Username
Reboot and the system should automatically logon.
NOTE: The password is stored in clear text.
Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
Value Name: Default Password
Data: REG_SZ
Prevent a Windows logon prompt at startup
Windows XP
Windows XP
Control Panel>User Accounts>Change an account
Do not enter a password
Windows 2000
Control Panel>System>Network Identification>Network ID>Next>This computer is for home use...>Next>Windows
always assumes the following user has logged on to this computer (enter no password)>Next>Finish
Windows 9x
1. Do not Clear last user at logon
If you didn't check Clear last user at logon, go to step 2. Either use TweakUI's Paranoia tab and uncheck Clear Last User a logon.Or go toHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, delete all the
named values, except DontDisplayLastUserName, and set it to zero.
2. Remove password
a) If you don't have a password, go to step 3
b) If you don't know your current logon password
Delete the .pwl file from the c:\windows folder
Delete the equivalent entry from c:\windows\system.ini [Password Lists]
c) If you know your current password
Control Panel>Passwords>Change Passwords>Change Windows Password
Type current password in the Old Password box
Leave the New Password and Confirm New Password boxes blank
Click OK>OK
3. User profile
Control Panel>Passwords>User Profile
Select All users of this PC use the same preferences and desktop settings
Click Close
4. Network
Control Panel>Network>Configuration
Ensure Microsoft Family Logon is installed and that it is the Primary Network
(Use client for Microsoft Networks if you're on a LAN)
5. Reboot
When asked for a username and password, enter a username and hit Enter
Hit Enter to confirm the blank password
You'll never be asked for your password again
Delete your screen saver password if you forgot it (98)
Go into DOS and type edit control.ini. Look for a line PWProtected=1 : Change it so it says PWProtected=0
Why does user logon screen come up after standby mode in XP Pro
From a security perspective, XP Pro should prompt for your password when coming off standby or hibernation mode. But if your workstation is at home or in a very secured location, to disable this important security feature:
Start the Power Options Control Panel applet
Control Panel.
Power Options.
Select the Advanced tab.
Uncheck the Prompt for password when computer goes off standby check box.
Click OK.
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